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“Waiting until” stinks and suffocates your dreams…

If you or I wait until things are right, our life will be gone, or we’ll be miserable.

Until is right up there with “once.”

You know…

Once I get the dream job.

Once we save enough money.

Once I find a committed investor.

“Until” flavors life with a different spice…

I’m waiting until I have enough connections on LinkedIn.

I’m waiting until I can give more time to the project.

I’m waiting until my home office is complete.

I’m waiting until I can find that perfect niche.

I’m waiting until the right job comes along.

I’m waiting until I have more confidence.

I’m waiting until I can retire and go for it.

I’m waiting until the price comes down.

I’m waiting until I find the right partner.

I’m waiting until the cows come home.

I’m waiting until a door opens for me.

I’m waiting until the first of the year.

I’m waiting until I feel aligned.

I’m waiting until I hear back.

I’m waiting until…

How about…

I’m waiting until NOW!

What’s ONE thing on your UNTIL list you can do now or at least today?

Write it down.

Set a timer.

Do it.