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I’m a Quitter

I’m a Quitter

“I quit.” I should have kept count of the number of times I’ve said those  words because they just feel so  GOOD!  A declaration of reaching the limit. An awareness that its time to give up time to give in time to move on I’ve come home several times and...

QUESTion™: How Can I Be (Fun) Art Today?

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” Pablo Picasso We can wash the dust of life off our souls and the souls of others today by being art… ↳ Writing an encouraging note to a friend ↳ Paint the Sistine Chapel on every life today ↳ Tell a...

QUESTion™: What’s My Purpose?

That’s a giant question that I am going to answer in a long for video. Until then, let’s change the question by adding a word… What’s my purpose… now? What’s my purpose in this moment? This meeting? This situation? This event? What love, joy, and peace am I supposed...

QUESTion™ – What If It Were Easy?

It’s assumed that life is hard. Getting a job is hard. Doing the work is hard. Raising kids is hard. Getting fit is hard. The assumption is hard. The default is difficult. What if it were easy? What would the job look like? The work? The raising? The fitness? Sure...