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Stop Searching and Start Attracting

Everyone wants more leads and more clients. First, you may not need either of those, but we will dive into that in another article. Let’s say you need more leads and more clients. The Two Most Popular Games 01 : The Chasing, Chasing, Chasing Game. You’re...
01 : Higher BEing over High-Achieving

01 : Higher BEing over High-Achieving

Achievement is momentary. BEing is constant. The ancients realized success is temporary.  Even if you win a title. The title may remain, but the accomplishment is a memory. It can be retold, but it cannot be achieved each day.  The high-achiever runs on a...
Modern Achiever

Modern Achiever

Confession: I’m a recovering high achiever.  In the past, I filled my calendar.  Bragged about accomplishing more by  8 am than others got done all day. Identified with…  ↳  High-achiever  ↳  High-performer  ↳  Peak...