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Sell for Less

Business owners say they don’t want to leave money on the table when selling, but they do it all the time. Usually for two reasons…

01: They don’t ask for help from an M&A professional.

02: They think they don’t need help. 

And if you want to sell for less than full value then there is nothing wrong with that. 

For many, just being able to get out of the business is the goal and that’s a noble one.

However, if you’re one of millions of owners wanting to get the most from your company, then beware of these five ways to get LESS. (Yesterday, we covered how to get more.)

How to Get Paid LESS for Your Company than It’s Worth:

  ↳ Entertain a single buyer

  ↳ Use a public seller site

  ↳ Exaggerate the value

  ↳ Use Your CPA or attorney as a broker

  ↳ Represent yourself

Ready to sell for MORE? Book a strategy call today.