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003 CLEAR Path

003 CLEAR Path

When it comes to choosing a path, there are so many options. So many possibilities. So many options. Somehow – they all appear to be the perfect expressway to greatness. We tried following multiple paths, but it didn’t work out well. We start with...
002 QUESTions

002 QUESTions

Quest: “a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult.” In order to get CLEAR, you need to ask the tough QUESTions. It would be great if a solution or a direction would just show up in an unquestionable epiphany....
001 CLEAR Purpose

001 CLEAR Purpose

Welcome to the CLEAR Purpose. The weekly newsletter is designed to make it easy for entrepreneurs to build their businesses and lives. Three core practices form the foundation of my writing and teaching. 1 C.L.E.A.R. Purpose. It’s not enough to have a...